Friday, November 19, 2010

your adresses plezz

selamat pagi yg makin hampir tengahri..

makin hari keja boleh tahan berlambaknyer, besela kj, sapai mati pn kj xkan habis..hehe, klu hbs kj tu, cne nk kj, t xde kj lnsg, cne nk hidup..nk wat cne an lumrah dah ayat saya, tunggang langgang..

aish, result pjj da klua ke??
mcm xsbr je nk smbg blaja balik, tp suasana belajar separuh ms ni cnela gayanyer..
kan xsama gan sepenuh masa, ni bekerja sambil belajar..eheee
nasibla kakak kat ofis ni ade yg amik pjj, xdela janggal sgt saya rs nnt, boleh mntk tunjuk ajar dia..

hurm, lagi 3 bulan je siapkah diri saya nih??masak pndai ka??
aitu cam terpikir nk bli buku masak2, aish, entah ble tah nk beli
yg paling penting kena belajar gan tok guru saya iaitu org yg membesarkan sy (ayat skena amat)

tp lam ati ade rs perasaan mcm ni :


yeke nih??tersipu2 malu saya, 

kawan2 daku yg disayangi, harap sgt kornag dapat datang
amat rndu, rndu amat
kawan2 blogger juga

t officially saya jemput kay
do inbox me ur adresses 

truly say's
marelfira mahamud


  1. owh..nak tawen da yer..;)..congratz dear...;)

  2. fira x jemput akak siap fira... tajot tak, takot tak?

  3. kak deq :

    fira da jemput akk xdtg, lagi siap akk..

    ha, cuak2!!!kikiki...dekat lgpun.hahahha

  4. kak marel. xpayah inbox2 boley? nurul datang je. kihkihkih. dekat rumah akk kn?

  5. sis marel (tua bulan dari memo), dh nak tawen erk. eheh. congrate. (:

    memo lame lagi kot. (:

  6. nurul :, xyah inbox..heeee...nurul xdtg siap tau, ha, takot!

  7. memo :

    thanx dear, yeke lama lagi..entah dr saya dulu..heee

  8. ehe. jgn lupe upload pic. fb ade tak??

  9. memo :

    hehe, xdela dear..kite da delete..huhu..
    kita mau folo kamu boley?

  10. for sure nurul datang! hihi. love you!

  11. nurul :

    heeee, bawak cik bag sekali yer..suka la tu, cinta berbunga kembali..eheee

  12. HAHAHA. mesti mesti. nnti nurul bawak dia sekali okay ;)

  13. wah jemput su tak ni? hee
    btw,congratulation dear
    smoga bhgia smpai akhir hayat ^^,

  14. dear, u sambung blaja eh??pjj amik kat mana ek? nak sambung gak tp xtau nak apply cam ne..adoii kesiannya kat i huhu

  15. That thing we call love,You cannot change what was being done or turn back the time to straight things up.There is always the right time and the right place for every thing and all you have to do is wait. Sacrifice a little, give a bit of patience and have enough courage to face all the challenges and trials that might come along as you go though your journey about life.Anyway, the point is that we are not getting younger and by this time we are really looking for someone to be with for the rest of our lives.You do things that are extra ordinary sometimes weird, bizarre or even to be looked stupid and yet still do not care.Now, that you both found the right love at last after a long time of waiting and searching. It is already up to both of you if you want to keep that relationship stronger and deeper. We should prepare ourselves to the things that might come along as we continue and move to the next chapter of our lives.Do not give up my dear..Inshaallah everything goes well ya...

  16. I'm happy for youu wehhh !!
    congratsss !!

    mana nak inbox kau ni.

  17. congrats jugak..tapi tak dpt nak dtg sbb majlis kite same tarikh =(

  18. tu takpe..
    duk cari m ane nak inbox.hehe

    marel ada num phone mira lagi kan.

  19. congratz marel !!!
    jgn lupa jemput aku tau...
    nnt ktorng konvoi pg majlis ko...

  20. Seronoknye,org tu nk kawen dah :)
    nak dtg jgk majlis marel nnt eyh.

  21. wahh ! wani da bg kan ? tak sabau tau ! :)

  22. belleza :

    of course dear, t dtg tau!kamu duk mn..

  23. sis farah :

    ye, fira amik pjj cos lib science..eheeee..
    t fira bgtau akk yer,s ng je..hee

  24. angah :

    berjelar dia tulis..10q angah!

  25. zynoe :

    10q weh, ..
    kan boleh anta msg kat aku pnyer blog nih..adeh

  26. miss nadieya :

    tau, nk wat cne kan..eheeee...btw, congrats dear!

  27. mizz amy :

    la, sis ni suka kira hari tau..manala fira tau..eheee..lbih kurang kot, takut!

  28. mira :

    ade syg, t kamu anta alamat msg je kat marel tau..
    lgpun tahun depan marel anta kad kat uit je la, sng skit..eheee

  29. aqis :

    jgn lp dtg tau, konvoi..hadiah pn konvoi tau!!eheee

  30. lea :

    eheee, seronok la sgt, neves tau..kikikiki..
    kamu xdtg, merajuk selamanya

  31. hayati :

    belum lgi, kad kawin lum siap..eheee

  32. wani :

    yeke, xsba nih..kamu pasti kena dtg awl!eheee
