Monday, November 8, 2010

hampir menangis, bersyukur padaNya

i appraise allah for sending you my love
ur love make me amazing
ur bless make me wonderful
ur truth,honest make me to see u now

ur love, make me smile everyday!!!


 YA ALLAH YA RABB, rezeki yg engkau berikan amat bernilai
kasih syg mereka, cukup membahagiakan 
keprihatinan mereka cukup membuatkan aku terharu
adanya mereka dalam hidupku, cukup membuatkan aku tersenyum sepanjang hari

bersyukur padamu tuhan, saya masih bernafas sehingga ke hari ni..hurm, cpt betul cuti 3 hari cuti dah pn hbs..
saya bnyk menghabiskan masa bersama org2 tersayang yg amat st sanjungi sepanjang 3 hari cuti ni..
kan best nobita ade doraemon, leh mintak pape je an
yelar, cartoon ley tipu mcm2..haha..

alhamdulillah, persiapan kahwin hampir 85% hampir siap..everything is going fine anyway..
xsgka sebenarnya leh siap secepat yg mgkn, coz masa pn tnggal bpe bln je lagi..masa hari sabtu lepas, katil pengantin pn da beli, aminnnnn...=)


muka mengantuk yg amat, mata kuyu dan masih dalam keadaan bermaya, haha, xnak tulis tidak..
wajah ini menggambarkan perasaan yg berdebar, majlis xlama je lagi.
perasaan bercampur baur, inikah sebabnya??
things to go :

kad kahwin :  akhir bln nov siap
wedding planner :  deposit done, run on 1st January
brg2 hantaran :  rancang beli dalam bln disember ni
photographer : need to run on that day
meja & kerusi 4 catering : deposit done

just need checklist before forgot the important things, hehehe..

that's all, quick update
mood hilang lansung hari ini
dpt berita yg xbest, sgt perlu bersabar

truly say's
marelfira mahamud


  1. Wah ni mesti fira (btl ke panggil ni?) kawen dulu dr akak ni kan.. Dekat sgt da tu..

  2. berita ape yg kamu dpt tu??..

  3. kasut pink :

    ha'ah, mg pnggl fira pun..act, nm akk ape??nk pnggl ape??

  4. angah :

    t la sy cter blik umah..hooooooooo
    sdey glerrrrrrrr

  5. wah, da kwen yer?
    hopefully sumua nyer berjalan ngan lancar

  6. annpaan:

    insyaallah, dgn izinnya...
    thanx dear, really thanx!muah!

  7. akak org panggil adeq.. biase kat cnie yg muda2 panggil kak deq.. mcm pelik kan... haha

  8. kak farah ;

    insyaallah, sume bloggers bride fira jemput erk..heee

    akk pn jgn lp, bpe lama je lagi kan...

  9. kak deq :

    alololo comelnyer pgglan tu, nm penuh?ecceceh, nk tau jugak ni kan..heee

    sesuaila kan mcm orgnyer..huhu

  10. nama penuhnye siti fairus, nama penyanyi popular tahun 80 an fira jgn x tau.. haha.. fira duk sri kembangan ek? kat belah equine ke? kakak akak ade duk area sane..

  11. alololo comelnyer....mst nm adeq tu nm manja kat umah an..heeee

    ye lar kak, bkn kat equin..kat area the mines..tau x??kakak fira pn duk equin tau...

  12. katil pengantin?!!!
    (otak jahat!)

  13. mines & jusco balakong adalah tempat wajib dating.. slalu tgk wayang kat sane.. Patut la muka fira mcm familiar je (dan2 tu)..hehe

  14. ouh ! sgt tak sabar nk tengok akk naek plamin :D

  15. fira,let's me share something with you.There comes a time when we have to stop loving someone not because that person has stopped loving us but because we have found out that they'd be happier if we let go. If you really love someone never let go, don't believe that letting go means that you love best, instead fight for your love, that's what true love is. It's best to wait for the one you want than settle for one that's available. Best to wait for the one you love than one who is around.
    Best to wait for the right one because life is too short to waste on just someone. Sometimes the one you love turns out to be the one who hurts you the most, and sometimes the friend who takes you into his arms and cries when you cry turns out to be the love you never knew you wanted. Keep on loving,InshaAllah, angah will pray for you k..Amin (angah nak tergelak baca msg kamu tadi)..peeps

  16. ain hana :

    amboi ko, otak jahat je eh..hahahaha

  17. kak deq :

    yeke, la, fira pn sllu tru sana je..klu mls nk shping jauh2!!hehee, leh fira jumpa akk..hehehe

    pttla nmpk akk cam familiar gak..ehehehe, nk jugak tuh

  18. wani :

    alololo, t dtgk awl skit..ley tlg akk nk kenduri nh..ececeh..

  19. angah :

    love the quotes dear, suka2!

    terharu betul bler bc..hebat sungguh english mu, hahahha

  20. hye fira... dah tinggal 4bulan..mesti dah tak sabar kan.. hihihi

  21. puan dot :

    kakak cantik, xsbr kah??neves amat ni..eheeee

  22. marel..sis berkenan sgt ngn baju kurung cotton mira tu..cntek..anyway..selamat menempuh hari berbahagia syg..:)

  23. kak nurul :

    thanx pretty sis!!!
    t marel nk jempt kakak cantik dtg ley?heeee

  24. dah 85% done. lagi 4 months to go ekh? good luck dear. akak nih lagi jauh destinasi nie. uwwwaaaa....

  25. nak tolong ? wani oke je , dah lame tak tolong orang buat kenduri kawen tauu ! hehe , tp kne inform awl2 tau , takot ade hal je :)

  26. mizz amy :

    yeke, tarikh akk bler....thanx pretty sis!

  27. wani :

    ecceceh, bagus betul rajin menolong ni..bakal calon isteri mithali wani nnt..hahaha..

    no prob dear...

  28. besh nye die..
    nk kawen dah..
    anyway congrates marel!
    jgn lupe jmput nnt..hehe
    yg 1st pic tu cantik, kaler kuning.. =)

  29. yana :

    heeeee, jgn lp dtg tau dear..dekat je kan...
