Tuesday, January 5, 2010

hargai pe yg ade!

2day i'm gonna make myself crazy wif all day, freaky boring b4 the cls start.g cls je xblaja lg.but dis sem agk tkut jgk, final year.n dgr ura- ura ble amik deg 4 ma choice kena dtg blik sgmt.ma god!kembali semula.but i already make plan 4 ma future.adkh akn berlaku seperti drncg?i'allah dgn daya usaha yg kuat, keyakinan yg tinggi.of course ur target will achieve soon.
hurm, nk hbskan hari2 sblm start blaja, pe nk wat erk.cdg nk blik umah coz ma roomate teringin sgt nk dtg umah.mak lagilah, berapa kali da pjuk dia dtg umah.then i try to msg abg,dia blik xmggu nih, abg ckp dia kena bertugas sabtu ahad.ouch, really sad.ingat br nk jpa.tp xpa kena phm dia kj an.t bile free bley blik.

dear, r u mis me?
thanx 4 being wif me all the time without bored,tired & all things.
u, always make me hepy when i was down, sad, uncious, confuse with complicated problem.
u, do everthing 4 make me cheer up all de time.abg, plez ..really do misz u a lot!
u,sgt hebat coz sllu sbr gan perangai n karenah fira yg kdg2 xmsk akl.
u, merubah fira to be a better person , sgt rindu nk glk2, cter2 gan abg.2 bulan, ms yg sgt lama we spend time together, n more close! thank u 4 everything u did to me, n one thing :
jg anak buah yg bru masuk (pelatih plkn tau, hehe) baik2 yer.jgn nkl2!
mohd hanif bin che man : marelfira syg kamu, sgt2, cyg ketat2!! 3>

mic marel, mic ct n mic lala: 3>>

2nd story!
lala, ct : misz u damn much!, thanx ya sudi luangkan ms, blnja sy, kua gan sy, birthday present..u all, kwn yg paling baik, cute selama2nya..gonna luv u a lot!

kay, smbg lain hari yer,,got to go, nk g cls..muah!


  1. windu cik abg yea?
    yana phm ape perasaan marel..
    sbr yea.. =)

  2. chayok2!

    rindu cik abg yer...

    dah puas jumpe da kn
